Chlorine dioxide system Bello Zon® CDLb H2SO4 - Good material compatibility
November 2020
A question that arises time and again in CIP is "Are the substances we are using compatible with the materials they come into contact with, or will they corrode the steel pipes?" This is asked especially if using a disinfectant and if chloride is also produced during disinfectant generation.
ProMinent has therefore developed its new chlorine dioxide system Bello Zon® CDLb H2SO4 especially for applications with critical levels of corrosion. It generates a chlorine dioxide liquid with extremely low levels of chloride.
The system generates up to 89 g of chlorine dioxide an hour from sodium chlorite and sulfuric acid and intuitive menu navigation makes it very easy to use. When generating chlorine dioxide following the chlorite/sulfuric acid process, the ratio of chlorine dioxide to chloride is no higher than 1:0.3. Compared with generating CIO2 using the chlorite/hydrochloric acid process with a ratio of chlorine dioxide to chloride no higher than 1:2.6, ProMinent has managed to reduce the chloride content of the final chlorine dioxide liquid by around 90%.
The low-chloride solution of CDLb H2SO4 is suited to critical disinfection applications in sensitive stainless steel environments, such as tunnel pasteurisers, autoclaves, cooling circuits and belt-based lubricant systems. Batch production is an extremely safe, managed process. Even during storage, the concentration of the manufactured chlorine dioxide liquid remains stable over long periods. The chlorine dioxide is buffered in an integrated or external storage module at a concentration of 1,500 mg/l. The broad-based product range of metering pumps and control variants can be used to run several points of injection with chlorine dioxide from a storage module.
The closed gas circuit prevents chlorine dioxide from being able to escape from the system, guaranteeing economical and environmentally friendly operation with minimal use of chemicals. Downtimes due to empty starting chemical tanks are avoided. The starting chemicals can either be displayed and monitored by external liquid level sensors or by adaptive liquid level monitoring for which a patent has been applied. Communication via conventional bus systems and the DULCOnneX platform fulfils all the requirements set by the Industry 4.0 standards of tomorrow.