
IFAT in a nutshell: a resounding success

June 2018

Visitor numbers were up and more and more importance is being attached to potable water and the environment, making the world’s leading IFAT 2018 trade fair the ideal place for ProMinent GmbH.

“We really hit the spot with our “Pure & Safe” motto,” says Jörg Engemann, Division Manager for Business Unit BU4, adding, “We were able to fully demonstrate our strength as a solution provider for water disinfection and waste water treatment. We fitted in perfectly with the focal topics of this world-leading trade fair for water, waste water and waste and raw material management.”

This year, visitors were very interested in our new developments: the compact ozone system OZVb, the chlorine gas metering system DULCO®Vaq and the electrolysis system CHLORINSITU® IIa. There was also a lot of interest in our premiere of the metering system DULCODOS® DSUa mini and our UV system Dulcodes LP.

The electrolysis system CHLORINSITU® IIa and the ozone system OZVb were also promoted by live product presentations. Several times a day between Monday and Friday, the highlights of these products were presented by an external moderator and a ProMinent expert. Because of the professional nature of the presentation, many visitors spontaneously stopped what they were doing and listened in attentively.

Thanks to the great teamwork and huge commitment of each and every member of ProMinent staff, IFAT 2018 was once again a resounding success! True to our motto: “Pure & Safe”, we now need to follow up the national and international inquiries and respond to them promptly with environmentally-sound and sustainable solutions.

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