
ProMinent at BrauBeviale 2015: Environmentally friendly, cost-effective and reliable

September 2015

ProMinent is presenting components and systems it has developed and manufactured in-house at BrauBeviale 2015 in Nuremberg. Particular highlights on stand 6-233 in Hall 6, from 10 - 12 November 2015, include the electrolysis system Dulco®Lyse and the new metering pump gamma/ X.

No corrosion due to low chloride content

A constant quality of brewing water is essential for a beer's optimum shelf life. Continuously spraying the filler with DulcoLyt 400 enables this sensitive part of the bottling process to be reliably sterilised. As a smart further development of ECA technology, our electrolysis system Dulco®Lyse cheaply produces a highly effective disinfectant in situ from water, salt and electricity.

This weak hypochlorous acid, known as DulcoLyt 400, delivers consistent quality with a constant FAC (Free Available Chlorine) content of 400 ppm even under changing conditions. The extremely low chloride content is significantly below the level of comparable processes in which more than 20 times as much chloride is often produced. The surfaces of pipes, machine parts and equipment are not attacked by the minimal chloride concentration and corrosion is thereby reliably avoided.

Minimal use of chemicals

The Heidelberg-based manufacturer guarantees extremely precise metering volumes with minimal use of chemicals with its new solenoid driven metering pump gamma/ X . The newly-developed solenoid driven metering pump gamma/ X is setting new standards in productivity, reliability and cost-effectiveness. The metering pump covers the capacity range from 1 ml/h to 45 l/h (at 25 to 2 bar) and boasts pioneering control technology with predictive intelligence and an innovative solenoid control which enables sensorless pressure measurement.

Matching Products

  • Efficient production of the highly effective disinfectant DULCOLYT 400 with an exceptionally low chloride and chlorate content. Ideal for particularly sensitive applications in the beverage and food industry, e.g. for the production of baby food. Maximum protection against corrosion and very good cost efficiency.


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