
IFAT 2016: On Site Presentation or Live stream via the Web

May 2016

With on site presentations and a live stream online about their new UV System Dulcodes LP and specially designed complete system for the precise metering of powder active carbon (PAC), ProMinent will be providing insights into the complex world of water and waste water treatment at IFAT 2016. Experts will be speaking about the “Patented World First: the UV System Dulcodes LP” and “Eliminating Micro-Pollutants” several times a day at Stand 439/538 in Hall A3.

On-site presentations
From Monday to Thursday ProMinent will be giving eight live product presentations a day in German and English.
The “Patented World First: the UV System Dulcodes LP” product presentation will include an explanation of how the performance of a UV system can be practically adapted to current conditions, for example in the event of varying flows or fluctuating temperatures.
In the “Eliminating Micro-Pollutants” presentation visitors will learn what to take into consideration when using powder active carbon and how to achieve accurate and dust-free metering. Man-made trace substances, e.g. cosmetic and medicine residues, are thus avoided in drinking water.

Live stream from the trade fair stand to your PC
For the first time interested parties will also be able to watch the product presentations live on their PC: They will be broadcast on Tuesday, 31 May 2016 at 10:00 in German and 10:30 in English. This will ensure those who are unable to attend the trade fair are also kept informed about the latest products.

Specialist presentation during the VDMA lecture event
Wolfgang Matheis, ProMinent GmbH Product Manager, will be speaking at the “German Water Technology for the Challenges of Today” VDMA lecture event on Thursday, 2 June 2016 at 13:45 in the Hall A5 forum about the “Challenges and Solutions of Controlling the Output of Low-Pressure UV Systems”.

More information about the product presentations, live stream and the specialist presentation can be found at

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