
Abu Dhabi successfully produces caviare in the desert

For some it is a delicacy, others prefer to politely decline – like so many other things, with caviare it all comes down to a matter of taste. But because of the global demand for caviare, an innovative company in Abu Dhabi is now producing it in the desert.

Visionary business concept or fantasy?

Take one emerging company such as Emirates Aquatech, add a visionary business concept, a generous amount of investment capital and an area the size of a good eight football pitches in the desert. The result is currently the world's largest production site for caviare and sturgeon in Abu Dhabi, the capital of both the eponymous Emirate as well as the whole of the United Arab Emirates.

Caviare is cleaned and salted roe (eggs) from different species of sturgeon, many of which still living in the wild are threatened by extinction. Thus breeding in so-called aquacultures and most importantly in closed recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS) is a gentle and environmentally-friendly way to cover the continuously growing demand for this special form of protein.

Responsible farming of this sensitive creature contains specific risks. So the water in the fish breeding pools needs to be continuously re-treated to, above all, avoid the risk of spreading diseases. This is why the Weinheim-based United Food Technologies (UFT) AG, who are responsible for pioneering this ambitious project, turned to the reliable ozone systems and systems expertise of ProMinent GmbH.

Key figures

  • Annual production of 35 tonnes of caviare and 700 tonnes of sturgeon
  • 64 closed recirculation aquaculture systems for water treatment
  • Guarantee of the optimum water quality for the farming of these sensitive fish thanks to eight efficient ozone systems

A technological wonder

Since commissioning in June 2011, the sturgeon raised for the production of premium caviare have been housed in 64 tanks. UFT, which specialises in aquaculture systems, have installed a total of eight ozone systems of the type OZONFILT® OZMa and 64 injection stations for the elimination of pathogenic micro-organisms.

From removing the water via the generation of ozone from the ambient air, the exact dosage of ozone gas in the reaction container to introducing the disinfected water into the individual tank, this well-thought out system is an impressive technological wonder. As well as supplying the ozone generators and the plant-specific entry system, ProMinent also provided the essential residual ozone gas destructor and the electronic control units for incorporation into the control system.

Clean water makes planning safer

Thanks to the optimum water quality together with the correct water temperature and a food supply that is suitable for the species, the best growth conditions for around 300,000 fish are created and guaranteed for the long-term. This not only gives the system operators in Abu Dhabi planning confidence for the future, but also means that the 2015 annual target capacities of 35 tonnes of caviare and the production 700 tonnes of sturgeon can be reached. Customers for the costly delicacy – at over €100/50 g – are the local market in the United Arab Emirates, including hotels, airlines and cruise ships. For a good year now, Emirates Aquatech has also had the approval of the American FDA which has enabled them to supply 50% of the global demand. So, fill up with fish and caviare – directly from the desert!

  • Guarantee of the optimum water quality in complex fish breeding pools thanks to the international cooperation of specialist companies
  • Efficient disinfection of the pool water with reliable ProMinent ozone systems
  • Elimination of pathogenic micro-organisms ensures healthy fish growth and the best product quality
  • Planning confidence for the system operators thanks to consistent and controllable farming conditions for the fish

Used Products - Abu Dhabi successfully produces caviare in the desert

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